Category: Uncategorized
The Shaken Purse Hypothesis
It has been quite awhile since you’ve heard from me. Since June 13, 2018, to be exact. 680 days ago. Why? Because. Life happens. Like my back surgery. And…
People are trees, too
I love trees. I truly love them. I love looking at pictures of them. I love being near them. I love how they each have their own personalities and idiosyncrasies.…
It’s all connected
When referring to the whole of a person, most people say “body, mind, soul.” I chose a different order and changed soul to spirit when I named my blog. For…
Hello world!
Welcome to my blog, Christine’s Caring Corner: The Place where Mind, Body, and Spirit meet. Over the past two years, I’ve been sharing my struggles, successes, and insights on the…